Our Laboratory is at the forefront of the signal and information processing field. Specifically, our research focus is in the areas of large-scale dynamical systems, distributed/decentralized estimation/control, non-linear signal and image processing, secure signal/information processing solutions, cyber-physical systems, multichannel signal processing, signal processing for maintenance management, and neural networks.
The I-SIP lab performs research on different areas of Signal Processing including: Estimation, Detection, and Tracking;Systems with Non-Linear Dynamics, and; Image/Video Processing.
Read MoreThe I-SIP lab performs research on different areas of Biomedical Signal Processing including: Brian Computer Interfaces (BCIs); Processing EEG signals for Motor Imagery and robotic control; Processing ECG and PPG signals for continues/cuff-less Blood Pressure estimation, and; Segmentation and shape reconstruction of brain tumours.
Read MoreThe I-SIP lab performs research on different areas of Explainable Machine Learning (XAI) including: Explainable Deep Nets; Explainable models with high level of learning performance; Characterizing strengths and weaknesses of Deep architectures, and; Explainable machine learning for autonomous systems.
Read MoreThe I-SIP lab performs research on different areas of Internet of Things (IoT) including: Location-based services; BLE-based localization; Privacy of IoT devices; MAC address randomization; Indoor localization, and; Proximity-based services.
Read MoreThe I-SIP lab performs research on different areas of Security of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) including: Security and Privacy of distributed signal processing in networked CPSs; Distributed and secure detection, estimation, and information fusion; Security and privacy of consensus and diffusive strategies in networked systems; Secure and privacy preserving distributed adaptation and learning; Security and privacy of distributed sensor resource management in networked systems; Distributed event-based estimation/control in networked CPSs, and; Detection and identification of potential attacks on distributed signal processing mechanisms.
Read MoreThe I-SIP lab performs research on different areas of Information Fusion including: Multi-sensor information fusion; Information fusion in distributed Camera Networks; Distributed Signal Processing in Agent/Sensor Networks, and; Information fusion in acoustic sensor networks
Read MoreThe I-SIP lab performs research on different areas of Communication networks including: Signal processing for communications; widely-linear signalling; Complex-valued signal processing; Consensus algorithms; Sensor networks, and; Time-reversal Detection.
Read MoreOur research team consists of Faculty members from ECE and CIISE departments. For a complete list of our members please visit the members tab.
Read MoreThe I-SIP research works have been published in top international Journal and conferences venues. For a complete list of our publications please visit the publication tab.
Read MoreIf you are interested in collaborating/joining the I-SIP lab please contact us. For an update on what's happening in our lab please check the news tab.
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