
I-SIP Lab Datasets

Lotus Benchmark Dataset

The goal of the Lung-Originated Tumor Segmentation from Computed Tomography Scan (LOTUS) Benchmark is to provide a unique dataset and pre-defined metrics, so that different researchers can develop and evaluate their methods. All the algorithms, proposed during this benchmark, are based on deep learning networks, combined with a false positive reduction technique. Methods developed by the three finalists show promising results in tumor segmentation. However, more effort should be put into reducing the false positive rate. This paper presents an overview of the challenge, along with the proposed algorithms and results.

The goal of the LOTUS benchmark is to provide an opportunity to develop automatic lung tumor segmentation methods based on a unique dataset. The LOTUS benchmark was constructed through the 2018 Video & Image Processing (VIP) Cup competition, which was organized in conjunction with 2018 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP) to test and evaluate different algorithms against predefined measures.

Lotus Dataset Link

Lotus Benchmark data can be accessed through the following link:

On-line Evaluation Link

Online evaluation is on the way, in the meantime to receive your results based on the test-dataset please contact us directly via an email to


Please us the following citation to refer to Lotus Dataset

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Lung-Originated Tumor Segmentation from Computed Tomography Scan (LOTUS) Benchmark,

arXiv, 2019 P. Afshar, A. Mohammadi, K.N. Plataniotis, K. Farahani, J.S. Kirby, A. Oikonomou, A. Asif, L. Wee, A. Dekker, X. Wu, et al.
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Data From NSCLC-Radiomics,

The Cancer Imaging Archive, 2015 H. J.W. L. Aerts, E. R. Velazque, R. T. H. Leijenaar, C. Parmar, P. Grossmann, S. Carvalho, P. Lambin

IoT-TD Benchmark Dataset

The importance of availability of benchmark datasets with exact ground truth for BLE-based indoor tracking is an undeniable fact that never can be neglected. Lack of such a BLE-based dataset with ground truth is an obstacle for research reproducibility because only through availability of a benchmark dataset different algorithms can be evaluated and compared against the ground truth (actual labels).

Capitalizing on the advantages of benchmarks, especially given the surge of interest on IoT location-based services where accurate solutions are of significant importance, this dataset is the first step towards achieving this goal to construct a unique dataset, referred to as the IoT-TD benchmark, for advancement of BLE-based indoor tracking/localiztion algorithms. What makes the introduced dataset unique is availability of the “Ground Truth Trajectories” synchronized with the RSSI values collected in a multi-sensor setting together with IMU sensor measurements obtained synchronously from the moving target’s hand-held device. All three components of the dataset are time-stamped and preprocessed being available publicly for future BLE and PDR tracking algorithmic developments.

IoT-TD Dataset Link

IoT-TD Benchmark data can be accessed through the following link, for acquiring password for the dataset please send an email to
